Smokin' Midge, Unique Midge Repellent and 50 Clava Cones £19.95

Smokin' Midge, Unique Midge Repellent and 50 Clava Cones £19.95

Smokin' Midge Unique Midge Repellent and 100 Clava Cones, normally £24.95, END OF SEASON SALE; £19.95

Smokin' Midge Unique Midge Repellent and 100 Clava Cones, normally £24.95, END OF SEASON SALE; £19.95

50 Specialised Clava Cones normally, £6.95, END OF SEASON SALE; £5.95 with FREE UK postage 50 bag.jpg

50 Specialised Clava Cones normally, £6.95, END OF SEASON SALE; £5.95 with FREE UK postage

Smokin' Midge, Ultimate Survival Kit:  Smokin' Midge Unit, Net and 50 Cones 1 £27.90 sm net texture.jpg

Smokin' Midge, Ultimate Survival Kit: Smokin' Midge Unit, Net and 50 Cones 1 £27.90

Smokin' Midge Ultimate Survival kit 2; Smokin' Midge Unit, Net and 100 Cones , normally £31.95, END OF SEASON SALE; £26.95 sm net texture.jpg

Smokin' Midge Ultimate Survival kit 2; Smokin' Midge Unit, Net and 100 Cones , normally £31.95, END OF SEASON SALE; £26.95

sm net.jpg sm net texture.jpg

Fine Mesh Emergency Smokin' Midge Head Net, normally £7.95, SPECIAL OFFER PRICE, £5.95 plus FREE POSTAGE

25, ONE HOUR cones, normally £7.95, END OF SEASON SALE; £6.45, plus FREE postage

25, ONE HOUR cones, normally £7.95, END OF SEASON SALE; £6.45, plus FREE postage

Limited Edition, BLACK engraved Smokin' Midge, plus 50 Clava Cones, normally £24.50, END OF SEASON SALE; £19.95

Limited Edition, BLACK engraved Smokin' Midge, plus 50 Clava Cones, normally £24.50, END OF SEASON SALE; £19.95
